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Home Forums Startup Investors General – Investors Need to upgrade your wardrobe AND want to get paid? DBG on Wefunder Reply To: Need to upgrade your wardrobe AND want to get paid? DBG on Wefunder

  • Brian

    June 23, 2021 at 3:10 pm

    IPO indeed – ticker DBGI on NASDAQ.

    Not the typical type of IPO outcome you’d expect, however.

    Some of the earliest investors actually made out the worst, because the company did a reverse stock split. So the IPO price (that was a little north of $4) ended up being a down round for early investors.

    Those who invested in this most recent Convertible Note with the 30% discount did get the bonus shares. But it’s been a volatile ride since the first day of the IPO!

    The price is currently back at $3.90 as I type this, so Convertible Note investors have likely done a little better than breaking even.

    No word on the perks yet, though.