Forum Rules and Guidelines
Welcome to the Crowdwise community!
Please read the community guidelines before getting started and posting in any forums.
1. Be respectful of others opinions. We’re all in this to learn, improve and succeed together! You don’t always have to agree, but be respectful and realize that we all had to start somewhere.
2. Be positive in every interaction. Although cliche, think about how you would want to be treated by others.
3. Promotion of active equity crowdfunding campaigns or self-promotion is not permitted.If anyone receives direct message offers in violation of this, please send a screenshot to Brian Belley so we can warn and/or ban these users.
4. These forums are for informational purposes only. While we are all looking to learn and grow together, nothing should be construed as legal, financial, tax, investment, or other professional advice. Always consult with your professional advisor. Please review our Disclaimers, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Use.
5. Stay on Topic.Lastly, please stay on topic as much as possible to each respective forum in equity crowdfunding. There are forums for investors, founders, and industry professionals.
Crowdwise – as the name implies – is about the community. To get the most from this group, let’s all help each other! Together as investors, founders and industry professionals, we can all learn, grow, achieve our missions, and help make the world a better place!
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