Thank You – Level 1 New Investor

Thank You!

Thank you for letting us know that you are just getting started with your investing journey.

I'm so excited that you've taken the first step to help you on your investing journey.

Personally, investing for me over the past 10 years is what has allowed me to currently travel the world, as well as enabling so many other amazing opportunities in my life. 

Since you're relatively new to investing, we'll be sure to tailor the content to help you get the most value when starting out. 

If at any point you feel that you're getting lost, not sure what to do next, or anything else in terms of feedback, be sure to email us at This will help us keep the content as relevant and useful as possible for all our subscribers.

Resources for additional learning

We'll be sending some follow-up emails in the coming days to help you get started. In the meantime, a few of the basic investment resources that helped me get started are below.

Disclaimer: the below book links are an Amazon Associates links, meaning I receive a small commission - at no additional cost to you - if you purchase through that link. That enables me to continue providing value to you! Full details can be found on our disclaimers page.

  • The Richest Man in Babylon (book) - a very easy read that seems like more of a story than a finance book. However, the lessons taught about investing and making your money work for you will stick with you and are a great introduction to the power of investing.
  • The Intelligent Asset Allocator (book) - hands down my favorite book for introducing the concept of asset allocation in building your initial investment portfolio.
  • Mr. Money Mustache - a blog about living frugally. He stresses that before you even start investing, you need to ensure that you have your debt and expenses under control. 

Thank you once again, and I'm looking forward to helping you get started to make your money start working for you. Together, through investing and especially investing in startups, I believe we can build a brighter future for both you and the future of our world.


Brian from CrowdWise